Friday, November 18, 2011

Mi familia en mi vida

Estuve organizando todas las fotos que tengo en mi laptop, y me di cuenta que cada foto estaba relacionada con un momento especial de mi vida. Pasé un momento maravilloso al reírme, sentir nostalgia y felicidad, y al saber que aquellos recuerdos nunca se iban a ir de mi mente. Estoy tan contenta de tener la oportunidad de viajar esta navidad a Perú, poder pasarlo con mi familia y construir recuerdos eternos. Mi familia es la parte más importante de mi vida y el simple hecho de que aquellos recuerdos permanecerán conmigo por siempre y que nada ni nadie me los quitará es algo que me hace feliz. Viajar a Perú no es  fácil, especialmente con los precios tan altos de pasajes en esta temporada, pero creo que si dejo pasar estas oportunidades de compartir con mi familia, ni el dinero ni alguna otra cosa, compensaría aquellos momentos perdidos.
Por otro lado, creo que siempre hay tiempo para visitar a la familia y pasar tiempo con ella si es que realmente la tenemos como prioridad en nuestras vidas. Sin mi familia, yo no podría ser completamente feliz.
Este año disfrutaremos de la presencia especial de mi tía Ceci, que vive en España por cuestiones laborales. Así que me encuentro demasiado emocionada por poder pasar tiempo con ella, mis padres, mis abuelos, primos y tíos. Sé que pasaré un momento maravilloso a lado de ellos, los amo y me encanta la relación que cada miembro de la familia tiene el uno con el otro. Nos queremos mucho y siempre nos cuidamos.

Friday, April 1, 2011


So, during these last days things haven't been going as good as I would like to. Sometimes you just plan things and you are just waiting for something to happen in some way but then you just realize that everything is going in a totally different way. I have learned to be patient and there is no better way to express how I feel now than sharing this wonderful quote of President Uchtdorf:
Patience means active waiting and enduring. It means staying with something and doing all that we can—working, hoping, and exercising faith; bearing hardship with fortitude, even when the desires of our hearts are delayed. Patience is not simply enduring; it is enduring well!”
"Without patience, we cannot please God; we cannot become perfect. Indeed, patience is a purifying process that refines understanding, deepens happiness, focuses action, and offers hope for peace."  ~ Dieter F. Uchtdorf
I love feeling the peace that being patient brings to my heart. Things in life are not still as good as I would like to but it's fine,  I'm still enjoying it and being happy. I love to know that everything at the end will be ok :)  the secret is to just trust in our Heavenly Father. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Things I love to do!!!!

Spending time with my family
The Gospel of Jesus Christ
The Temple
Missionary work
The sun and the beach
Sunny and warm days
Taking pictures
My birthday
Party with friends
Spanish and English too
Playing the piano
Making  true new friends
Fridays and sundays
Lazer tagging
Peruvian food
My friends
I love BYU
The nature
Going shopping with my mom
Talking with my friends

Sunday, January 2, 2011


There is nothing better than be at home with your family and friends. I had the blessing to go home for Christmas and spent time with my family again. Time goes really fast and we also had the opportunity to spend our last Christmas conferences with the missionaries, we had one in Lima, another in Huancayo and also in Huanuco....being part of the mission is such a great blessing, I have learned so much and I feel that my testimony has increased. I have seen so many miracles trough all this time.
Also, my granda, some of my cousins and my aunt Gina went to visit us to Lima, I had a wonderful week with them. Also, I could enjoy the summer, the beach and eat the wonderful peruvian food...
P-day with my family and the missionaries was so much fun,  we went bowling also we went to la Granja Villa and to Pachacamac ruins. Life couldn't get better :)
Also, we had a meeting with the senior missionary couples, we had a magician who entertained us and that was sooooo wonderful. They are such a great people and it was really nice to get to know them a little bit more and to express our gratitude for all the services they were doing.